Office Address

DAKONA, 14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ

Phone Number

02921 690112

Email Address

The Benefits of Green Screen

It’s been a crazy period at DAKONA, where we’ve been involved with all sorts of interesting gigs. But there was one in particular that was a bit more unusual and technical. What might that be? Green screen. Filming busy executives in multiple locations sounds great in theory. In practice? It’s a logistical nightmare. Whitbread needed to […]

How to Use Stock Footage Effectively

In the dynamic world of video production, the use of stock footage is a game-changer. It’s not just about filling gaps; it’s about enhancing your narrative, adding depth and polish to your project while staying within budget. However, as with any tool, it’s only effective when used correctly! Let’s explore how to use stock footage […]

We Renewed Our 2024 Operational Authorisation!

At DAKONA, we’re thrilled to announce a General Visual Line of Sight Certificate (GVC) and Operational Authorisation (OA) renewal for drone operations. This achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation and regulatory compliance in the ever-evolving world of drone and video production.  A Journey from PfCO to OA Since 2018, […]

Five Ways Video Boosts your Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility efforts are an incredibly vital component of developing your company’s culture. However, few companies actually leverage video as a platform to share their social responsibility efforts. Here are five ways that implements video content will significantly improve your Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. 1. Seeing is believing We’ve all seen our fair share […]

How Much Should I Invest on Video?

The most frequent question that gets asked in our business is “how much does a video cost??” – the answer is … “it depends”. Not a very satisfying answer, we know! Video production can be incredibly challenging to price, with quotes sometimes varying wildly. Why is that? Here’s a useful overview with some great tips […]

Top Tips for Drone Cinematography

In addition to being an increasingly popular hobby across the UK, drone filming and aerial photography presents a huge variety of benefits and opportunities to businesses and brands looking to capture stunning aerial imagery and to produce incredible new perspectives. There can be quite a steep initial learning curve when it comes to getting to […]

Five Ways to Create an Engaging Script

There’s a common misconception that influential video content is dependent on the misè-en-scene, which translates to “everything in the scene”. Whilst we agree that this is an incredibly important elements to developing a successful campaign, the first step begins with the script. If you want your content to make an impact, the script has to […]

The Importance of Good Audio

Producing video content can be a consuming tasks, however the final result should be worth all the time and effort that you’ve spent on it! So when we see content across social media that has great ideas and a strong message, it’s incredibly disheartening when the accompanying audio isn’t up to scratch. If you’re not […]

Storytelling and Fashion

What happens when you combine a beautiful model, a cinematic camera, a glamorous location and a great soundtrack? Probably every fashion film that you have every watched. As Matthew Frost’s spoof ‘FASHION FILM‘ highlights, fashion films are indeed a cliché. However as we all know, high production values are no longer enough to justify a customer purchase. In […]

Five Tips for Making Great Video Content

Producing great video content isn’t the easiest of tasks, whether it’s video content or any other format you care to mention. In the digital space the opportunity for anyone to create, publish and promote their own content online has upped the stakes for digital marketers. The ability to fall back on hackneyed formats has had […]